Birmingham’s historic Kelly Ingram Park, site of civil rights rallies, demonstrations and confrontations in the 1960s, has a new audio tour via mobile phones. In the early ‘60s, the park was Ground Zero for the national Civil Rights Movement. Historic Footage of police attack dogs and high-powered fire hoses remain indelibly imprinted on the memories of those who saw the images on television and in print around the world in that era. Thousands of visitors come to the park and adjacent Birmingham Civil Rights Institute each year to learn about Birmingham’s pivotal role in the call for civil justice. Sculptures throughout the park depict the assaults on demonstrators, many of them children. The mobile phone tour guides visitors through the historical significance of each sculpture on a chronological journey through the story of the movement in Birmingham. The Greater Birmingham Convention & Visitors Bureau developed the tour and the Alabama Tourism Department funded it through its grant program. The dial-in number is 205-307-5455.